10 Best Podcasts To Listen To During Pregnancy

Pregnant Woman Listening to Podcast

Pregnancy is a time where you’ll go through all the feels!

You’re most likely going to feel every emotion in the book - happiness, excitement, stress, and confusion. 

It can be difficult to navigate through your pregnancy all on your own. Of course, having friends and family by your side to support you will always be humbling and comforting. 

If you don’t know anyone who has gone through a pregnancy who you can reach out to for help, you may find that you’re turning to the internet for some answers - well you’re not alone!

Your nine month pregnancy journey can feel like an eternity, going through different emotional and physical changes every step of the way. 

Whether you’re in the middle of your pregnancy or planning to get pregnant, having access to different kinds of information and learning about what’s to come can help you get through this journey. 

Podcasts are a great way for pregnant or soon-to-be pregnant women to get some inspiration, education, and entertainment from others. It’s always helpful to hear other perspectives and also get something out of your time - whether you’re on a walk, doing the dishes, or driving! 

This is the ultimate guide that will cover all the best pregnancy podcasts!

For Getting Pregnant

Even if you’re not pregnant yet, there are still podcasts out there perfect for you! Many of them tap into fertility, how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, and how to recover from loss. 

Fertility Warriors 

Fertility Warriors discusses everything you need to know about fertility and getting pregnant. The host goes beyond being educational by also sharing personal stories about miscarriage and infertility. The podcast has a mission to support and empower women on their journey, referring to women as “fertility warriors.”  

The podcast is full of conversations between women about how to get pregnant, manage fertility issues, and navigate fertility treatments. 

This is Infertility 

This is Infertility combines both science and storytelling to deliver a new perspective on what it’s like to build a family. Each episode taps into the emotional, physical, and financial challenges that come along with parenthood. 

It talks about all the different journeys that parents go through - IUI, IVF, fertility preservation, surrogacy, and adoption. It’s their mission to have all perspectives be heard and create a community connection to raise awareness for others. 

For First-Time Moms

Don’t know what to expect when expecting? Going through pregnancy and motherhood for the first time can feel unpredictable and scary. But don’t stress, because we’ve got you covered with the best podcasts that will help you get all the answers you’re looking for. 

Big Fat Positive Podcast 

Big Fat Positive Podcast is the perfect podcast if you’re looking for advice on how to tackle pregnancy and new parenthood. The podcast is hosted by two best friends who found out that they were pregnant at the same time. 

The podcast goes through what it’s like to be on your pregnancy journey and new parenthood, week by week. It is very interactive and inclusive as they have weekly check-ins, special guests and segments that keep things open and honest like “OMG I’m Freaking Out.”

Pregnancy Confidential 

Pregnancy Confidential effectively walks listeners through pregnancy week-by-week. They discuss all the personal, physical, and emotional changes that women expect in a conversational way. 

The podcast aims to be less heavy on the research, and instead focuses on engaging with the listeners by being more conversational. They aren’t afraid to dive into all the pressing issues that are running through your mind, such as body image, baby names, sex after childbirth, and your relationship with the father. 

We Are Family 

That New Mom Life dives deep into all the topics surrounding pregnancy and parenthood such as sleep deprivation, body changes, making mom friends, and much more. The podcast does a good job at guiding women along this challenging journey and shares insight about what pregnancy looks like week-by-week. 

All About Labor and Delivery 

As you know, pregnancy is extremely unpredictable. But the one thing you do know is that at the end of your nine month journey, you’re going to need to give birth to your little baby girl or boy. 

After all the surprises during your whole pregnancy, you may be wanting some clarity about the actual delivery process to calm your nerves. 

The Birth Hour 

The Birth hour is dedicated to supporting women and parents on their own journeys, helping them stay informed and empowered while going through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Anything you can think of, this podcast has it!

The podcast taps into important topics about homebirth, waterbirth, surrogacy, and postpartum depression. Their whole mission is to put an end to any confusion or the feeling of the unknown that many parents have when navigating through their journey. 

The Push Guide 

The Push Guide is a podcast with a mission to inform mothers about all their options when it comes to birth and delivery. You’re faced with so many different decisions during your pregnancy - natural birth, using pain medication, hospital, C-sections. This can all be very confusing and most women don’t fully understand the extent of their options. 

The host is a mother herself, and is able to relate to the scariness and unpredictable aspect of pregnancy. She acknowledges that labor can be scary, but helps women get over this fear by educating them about different experiences and options. 

For Real Pregnancy Stories 

If you’re ever looking for information or answers to your questions, you may turn to research, experts, your doctor, or reading different books. Although this can be helpful, nothing is comparable to listening to true stories about women who have “been there and done that!”

Birth Stories in Color 

Birth Stories in Color is a Podcast specifically for Black, Indigenous, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to talk about their pregnancy experience. The hope for the podcast is to share unique stories and enable women to tell their stories around the world. They recognize the importance of storytelling, and open and honest conversations. 

Parenting How-Tos

Being a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding things for anyone. If you’re looking for some valuable parenting advice and relatable insight, we’ve got you covered.

Good Inside 

Good Inside is all about rethinking the way we raise our children. The host thinks about the way children think and turns these insights into actionable strategies for parents and future parents. 

Being a mother and clinical psychologist herself, the host is dedicated to putting an emphasis on anxiety and resilience and answers tough parenting questions. The podcast episodes are also intentionally short as a way to respect the busy schedule of parents!

Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

Respectful Parenting has many different podcast episodes that go over parenting issues through the lens of the host herself. She shares her perspective which makes it extremely relatable and conversational through and through. She talks a lot about what it means to be a good parent and how to build trust, respect, and love within a family.

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