Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy comes with all its happiness and glory!! But it’s hard to imagine a pregnancy without all the complaints that come with it. 

As you start your pregnancy journey, you’ll come across so many beautiful and life changing milestones that you will cherish forever. But unfortunately, you’ll also come across many changes throughout your pregnancy that you may not want to be remembered for too long!

Pregnancy can be difficult with all the body changes and discomforts that you may go through. Here are a few of the most common complaints that you can probably relate to as a pregnant woman, or can expect in the future!

1) Nausea and Vomiting

Pregnant Woman Feeling Nausea

This is something that every pregnant woman and even women in general can attest to! You may have heard people refer to it as “morning sickness.” About 65% of pregnant women experience nausea and even vomiting during their pregnancy. This can happen because of many reasons, and can be shown through many different symptoms

Tips: Try to avoid certain foods that can in fact increase the effects of nausea like very sweet foods, spicy foods, fried foods and hot foods. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid scents that can trigger nausea which can be ensured by eating food outside in the fresh air or wearing a breathable mask in public areas. 

On the other hand, some foods that will help your nausea (along with water) is white bread, crackers, fruits, and pretzels -- and of course any food that will cure your pregnancy cravings! Though both water and food is essential to your health during pregnancy, try not to drink fluids with your food because this combination can cause you to vomit. Eat at least a small snack every few hours to avoid staying on an empty stomach. 

2) Fatigue

Pregnant Woman Feeling Fatigue

You’re no longer taking care of just yourself now that you’re carrying a baby girl or boy in your belly. This struggle is something you would be sharing along with 90% of pregnant women. Fatigue during pregnancy typically is an early sign of pregnancy that comes along during the first trimester. You can find ways to cope with all your tired yawns in many different ways! 

Tips: Make sure to stay hydrated because the source of water will give you a boost in energy and keep you going throughout the day. It’s also a good idea to cut back on the water before you go to bed so your sleep won’t be interrupted by bathroom breaks and frequent urination. Speaking of sleep, make sure you get tons of it! Push up your bedtime because every hour of sleep and rest can make a difference. 

Also be sure to be kind to yourself and remember that it’s okay to baby yourself. Focus on taking care of yourself and get yourself the rest you may need. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many tasks and ask family and friends for help when you need a hand! Taking a 20 minute nap or spending time out of your day to do something you love can make all the different and give you a boost of energy to keep you going! 

3) Constipation

Pregnant Woman Feeling Constipation

Carrying a baby in your belly is definitely a weight on your shoulders! Unfortunately, this weight will create pressure on your rectum and intestines which can affect your digestion and bowel movements. You’ll tend to begin experiencing constipation by the third month of pregnancy, when progesterone levels rise. 

Progesterone causes the muscles in your bowels to relax which causes food to remain in your digestive tract for a longer period of time. On the bright side, this means your food has more time to release nutrients into your bloodstream and reach your baby. 

Tip: Food that is rich in fibre, such as whole grain cereals and brands, chickpeas, dried fruit, and fresh fruit, will help you get rid of constipation. Drinking tons of water throughout the way will also help keep your solid foods moving through your digestive tract and ultimately, out of your body. 

Consider your choice of supplements that can actually help you battle this discomfort. Prenatal vitamins are always very important, but it’s also a good idea to take vitamins that can be beneficial to the health of yourself and your baby. Check with your doctor or a health care professional to consider other supplements that will improve this situation. 

4) Strains and Aches

Pregnant Woman Facing Back Ache

As your baby is growing bigger and stronger, your weight will start to increase. Your balance will start to change, and your belly starts to pull you forward which will put a strain on your back. Also, your ligaments in your body will become softer as it prepares you for labour, which can also strain your joints in your lower back. 

You may experience headaches during your pregnancy due to the changing pregnancy hormone levels and blood volume, which starts during your first trimester. This can be caused by nasal congestion, a runny nose, lower levels of blood sugar, or even just taking coffee out of your morning regime. 

Tip: Practice good posture to avoid having your back in an uncomfortable position by maintaining a straight back even when your tummy is pulling you forward. Make sure you are avoiding any uncomfortable shoes -- stick to low-heeled shoes that have a good arch support. Something that you may find yourself doing to help is sleeping on your side with bent knees. 

To avoid the occurrence of headaches, stay away from foods that you have found to trigger your headaches, stay away from smoking, have a well balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids, and finally try to reduce your stress level. If you find yourself with a really bad headache, find yourself a dark and quiet room to rest with an ice pack nearby. 

5) Frequent Urination

You should definitely expect to find yourself needing to visit the loo more often. 

Frequent urination is a very common early sign of pregnancy, so expect to start noticing this towards the start of your pregnancy, during your first trimester. Even though these symptoms will pop up very early on, most women say that it continues throughout their full pregnancy term. In fact, most women say that they feel the urge to pee more frequently towards the end of their pregnancy. 

The reason why you’ll feel the need to go visit the restroom more often is due to your hormonal changes as they increase the production of urine. Your pregnancy hormones increase flood flow to your pelvic area, causing you to pee more often. Another cause is your growing uterus because as your baby grows bigger, your uterus will continue to grow and expand, which puts pressure on your bladder. 

Tip: Try cutting back on fluids in the late afternoon or early evening. At the same time, be sure not to forget to drink the necessary amount of six to eight glasses of water a day before you stop drinking later in the day. It’s also a good idea to avoid certain beverages like coffee, tea, and soda, as they tend to make you pee more often. 

When you go to the bathroom throughout the day and just before going to bed, attempt to fully empty your bladder to avoid needing to go again shortly after. 

It’s also a good idea to adapt to the idea of needing to pee more often. For example, try lounging around an area where there is a bathroom nearby in case you really gotta go!

Take Away

Your pregnancy is going to be full of surprises! Make sure you have a loving support system to help you along the way and remember you’re not alone in battling any of the challenges you may face during your pregnancy. 

Stay positive and remember that a happy mommy makes for a happy baby!

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