Woman at Early Pregnancy Holding Belly

Are you trying to get pregnant? Are you just waiting for proof of the good news and don’t know how to tell that you are pregnant? 


Even though ultrasounds and pregnancy tests are the only way to tell you for sure, you can keep an eye out for some other signs and symptoms. Although most women may depend on the trusty pregnancy test or missed period, other indicators can help you figure out if you’ll be expecting a child. 


When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

Surprisingly enough, the first week of pregnancy is determined by the date of your last menstrual period. Week 1 of your pregnancy will be your last menstrual period, even if you weren’t pregnant yet. 

Knowing this, your delivery date would also be determined based on the first day of your last period. Even though you may not be feeling any symptoms during a specific time, it can still be a part of your 40-week pregnancy. 

Knowing when you’re pregnant is different for every woman. Some women may suspect that they are pregnant within the first few days, while others won’t notice until they miss a period or even months after conception. 


Early Pregnancy Symptoms

If you’re wondering if you might be pregnant, look out for these early symptoms of pregnancy:

 Missed Period 

This may be the most common and well-known early sign of pregnancy. Many women experience a missed period before realizing they’re pregnant. The thing about a missed period is that not all missed or late periods are caused by pregnancy. 

Gaining or losing a lot of weight, experiencing hormonal changes, and being stressed are all factors that can cause a missed or late period. However, if you do miss your period, it would be a good idea to take a pregnancy test to be sure. 


Light spotting can sometimes be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. After conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of your uterus, which can cause light spotting, often called implantation bleeding. This can happen anywhere from 6 to 14 days after conception. Implantation symptoms are not always experienced by women, so don’t worry if you don’t experience any spotting.

Breast Changes 

Experiencing body changes is a very common early sign of pregnancy for many women. After conception, your hormone levels rapidly change, resulting in your breasts becoming tender, swollen, or sore a couple of weeks later. Although you may feel a slight discomfort initially, the pain will most likely decrease as time goes on and your body gets used to the hormonal changes. 

Frequent Urination 

Pregnant Woman Holding Belly

If you’re noticing that you need to visit the washroom more often, it may be a sign that you’re pregnant. This is because the amount of blood in your body will increase when you’re pregnant, which causes your kidneys to process extra fluid that will end up in your bladder. For many women, frequent urination may start around 7 weeks after conception


Morning sickness is an early sign of pregnancy that is most commonly complained about. However, not every woman gets it. Nausea can strike at any time of the day or night (most commonly in the morning) and start about one month after becoming pregnant. 

A factor that can play into nausea is a woman’s sensitivity to certain foods and scents. Many women experience pregnancy cravings and have certain foods they can’t stand (food aversions) when they become pregnant, which can trigger nausea. 


Woman With Pregnancy Fatigue

Experiencing fatigue during pregnancy is very common for most women, even starting early on. Women can experience fatigue as early as one week after conception. This is due mainly to a pregnancy hormone called progesterone, increased blood production, lower blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. 

High progesterone levels in early pregnancy help maintain the pregnancy, making you feel exhausted as a result. As your pregnancy progresses, the fatigue may become more extreme. You may need to take naps during the day or early evening.

Sleep disturbances such as needing to urinate more frequently and feeling nauseous can also play a role in increased fatigue. 


Don’t Overlook Other Reasons.

Although some of these symptoms may be cause for worry, it’s important to remember that not all women experience every early sign of pregnancy. Many of these symptoms can also be caused by other factors such as stress, illness, or hormonal changes.

For instance, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and early pregnancy symptoms can share common traits, such as fatigue, nausea, and breast tenderness. However, there are also some key differences. PMS symptoms usually start a few days before your period. In contrast, early pregnancy symptoms can appear anytime from conception onward. Additionally, with PMS, symptoms typically go away after your period starts, while early pregnancy symptoms may persist throughout the first trimester.

It is essential to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about whether or not you may be pregnant.


When should you take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant?

You can take a pregnancy test as early as one week after you miss your period. If you can’t wait that long, some pregnancy tests can be taken a few days before your missed period. Still, the accuracy of these tests is not as high as if you wait until after you’ve missed your period. If you’re experiencing any early pregnancy symptoms, it would be a good idea to take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.


The Big Picture 

The truth is that some women may experience just one or two of these symptoms, and some may experience more - Every pregnancy is different. If you are experiencing any symptoms that are too discomforting, be sure to contact your doctor to plan a way to cope with them!

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