Pregnant couple holding pregnant belly

There’s no doubt that pregnancy is different for every woman! 

Not only that, but every pregnancy (whether it be your first second, or third) will be different for each of you women! You may think that you know everything there is to know about pregnancy, having gone through it once before. But the truth is, when you're expecting a second child, you can also expect some differences this time around.

There’s no way to tell what exactly will be the same or different compared to your first pregnancy. But one thing you can guarantee to stay the same is the relief and joy you’ll feel when your little baby is in your arms at the end of your pregnancy. 

Here are some ways that your second pregnancy symptoms may be different from your first:

Your Baby Bump:

Baby loading sign on baby bump

You may experience your belly pooching out a bit earlier during your second time. This isn’t because your baby is growing any faster, but because your ab muscles have been naturally loosened from your first pregnancy. 

As a result of seeing a baby bump a bit sooner this time around, you may also carry your baby a bit lower this time too. 

You may recognize that you’ll need to start wearing maternity clothes sooner because of the growth in your belly at an earlier stage of your pregnancy. 

Feeling Of Being Tired:

Pregnant woman feeling fatigue

We know you must’ve had your fair share of yawns during your first pregnancy. Many women experience increased fatigue in their second pregnancies - which comes as no surprise. 

The major difference is that compared to your first pregnancy when you were just a pregnant woman, now you’re a pregnant mom! Balancing the responsibilities that come with taking special care of your child (no matter their age) and living through pregnancy can be a handful. 

You now may have less time to nap when you feel the need to because of all of your motherly duties. Think about what activities you can cut back on to carve out some rest time - this is extremely important. Also, be sure to eat nutritious foods so that your energy is up throughout the day.

Braxton Hicks:

Pregnant woman having contractions at home

Braxton Hicks contractions are when your uterine muscles are flexing in preparation for labor - almost like dress rehearsal! 

You may deal with more intense “false labor” contractions, and much sooner compared to your first pregnancy. 

A bonus is that you’ll probably also feel your baby moving and kicking around in your belly much sooner since you know what it feels like! 


Pregnant woman in labor

Ready for some good news?

Well, your second labor and delivery may actually end up being shorter than your first. Pushing your baby out tends to be much easier and shorter for second-time moms, which quickens the experience.

This is because your cervix is less rigid after your first pregnancy, so dilation and effacement happen quicker. 


Pregnant woman lying down in pain

It’s common to go through more severe pains after giving birth to your second child. 

Postpartum contractions are your body’s way of going back to normal - your uterus shrinks back down to size. Since your uterus is bigger this time around (being your second time), it may be more painful. 

Second Pregnancy Early Symptoms

Unfortunately, just because you endured the dreaded early pregnancy symptoms and discomforts, doesn't mean they'll go away when expecting a second child.

Even the sex of your baby can lead you to experience different pregnancy symptoms this time around.

The morning sickness will appear again, but the frequency may vary as you may experience more or less nausea and queasiness the second time around. If you have dealt with morning sickness during your first pregnancy, you are more likely to have it again for your second and vice versa ... which may come to you as good news or bad news.

The changes your breasts went through while pregnant with your first baby may not be as apparent while pregnant with your second baby. In fact, your breasts may feel less tender, and may not increase in size as much as it has previously.

Many women also say that their baby's movements differ during subsequent pregnancies, usually being able to feel baby kicks earlier in their term. However, this may be because they simply know what to look out for, so they pick up on movement a little sooner.

The good thing is that you may have found some tips and tricks to help you get rid of specific unwanted pregnancy signs and symptoms!

Risk Factors

If your health is in good condition and you have no complications during your first pregnancy, there are low chances of having a high-risk pregnancy the second time around.

However, if you've previously struggled with pregnancy complications, such as premature baby, preeclampsia, or postpartum hemorrhage, you would be faced with a higher risk of having that particular complication during your second pregnancy.

The risk of preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancies is one of the more common health risks that women face. Symptoms of preeclampsia include headaches that are difficult to cure, loss of vision, spots in your vision, stomach pains, and bruising easily.

Talk to your doctor or ob gyn about your previous conditions in order to get the proper treatment and prevent developing subsequent complications.

What's The Ideal Spacing Between Pregnancies?

After giving birth to one bundle of joy, we know that many women can get the sudden urge to become a second-time mom.

Many women wonder how long the interval between pregnancy number 1 and 2 should be. Ideally, it's more health-conscious to recover from your first pregnancy and childbirth before growing your family. Studies have shown that there are greater risk factors associated with babies conceived within six months, such as premature birth and low birth weight.

Every woman has a unique situation, so it's best to consult your doctor about pregnancy spacing in order to find out what the best course of action for you and your second child would be.

Your Mindset:

Going through your subsequent pregnancy gives you some comfort in knowing that you’ve been through it all before. This will help you calm down your nerves when you’re feeling overwhelmed and your child will be a constant reminder of the reward you’ll have when your pregnancy is over.

Another perk is that you can somewhat anticipate the symptoms you will go through, having already experienced it the first time around. You’ll be extremely familiar with all your sensations and use your knowledge to try to lessen the discomfort that comes along with pregnancy.

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