Woman with hair loss problem at home | Neeva Baby

Pregnancy hair loss is what worries many moms from the start of their pregnancy. As a pregnant mom, you know how hormones take control of your body and make you feel constant mood swings or nausea when conceived. Sometimes you are exhausted or sensitive and irritable. 

At the same time, the same hormones may make you eat more than usual and crave special foods. Still, there are times when the same hormonal changes you experience during pregnancy are not that bad and have lovely aspects, too! Many moms report having rosy skin and fuller, thicker hair during pregnancy.

Of course, those beautiful locks of hair will most probably not last after giving birth to your baby, as you will experience hair loss after pregnancy. This a problem that worries pregnant women, and they are looking for a solution to stop their hair loss.

But do you know what causes hair loss after postpartum? Will hair loss stop after giving birth? What can be done to prevent it? This article is going to talk about hair loss during pregnancy. We try to answer all those questions about postpartum hair loss.


Hair Changes During Pregnancy

Our hair has different growth phases. Some hairs on our heads are actively growing, while others are in the so-called resting phase. Later, when the latter type of hair falls, new hair starts growing in its place. This is the natural cycle of human hair. But sometimes, like during pregnancy, the natural hair cycle is disturbed.

The increase in the growth and thickness of your hair during pregnancy is due to the rise in estrogen levels in the body. This situation continues until delivery, and after your baby is out, hormones will gradually return to their normal levels. It is why the lustrous and healthy hair you have will also disappear. 

Of course, a more accurate term for hair loss after postpartum is shedding hair or telogen effluvium. For example, you suddenly see yourself pulling handfuls of hair in the shower. Or when you wake up in the morning, there are strands of hair spread all over your pillow cover. This is the case with long-haired moms. But how to prevent hair loss? And how long does postpartum hair loss last?

Shedding hair by new moms will take some time, from one to six months after giving birth, and may even last for a whole year. In most cases, there is no need to take any particular action, and hair loss in pregnant women will take care of itself.

However, if, after one year, the shedding continues as before, it is necessary to see a doctor and follow treatments. Unfortunately, you can't do anything particular to prevent hair loss! But there are ways to treat and manage hair loss.


How to Stop Postpartum Hair Loss?

The best way to get your hair back is to be patient! However, there are a few other things you can do.


Trying Short Haircuts 

One of the easiest and first ways that come to the mind of many moms is to choose a short hairstyle. If your hairstylist is skilled enough, they can cut your hair to make it look even fuller. A short and trendy haircut is the best solution, especially for moms with long hair.

This will save time when washing, drying, or shaping your hair. And any new mom knows having extra time to rest or care for her baby's needs is appreciated. 


Using Hair Volume Products & Avoiding the Others 

Other things you can do to improve the appearance of your hair are related to shampoos and conditioners: 

  • If your hair loss is severe, try using a volumizing shampoo. These shampoos have ingredients like protein that make your hair look more voluminous.
  • As much as possible, do not use conditioners and shampoos called conditioning shampoo. Usually, these shampoos have hair conditioning ingredients that feel heavy on your hair and do not make your hair appear fuller.
  • If you really need a conditioner, use a conditioner for fine hair. These products have a lighter formula. 
  • Also, apply the conditioner only on the ends of your hair strands and never cover all your hair with such a product. It will cause more hair loss and make your hair appear thinner.
  • Do not use conditioners labeled as intensive conditioners. As it is clear from the name of these products, they have a very heavy formula.


Use Vitamins for Hair Growth & Strengthening 

Among prenatal vitamins, folic acid is very effective in the growth and maintenance of healthy hair. Therefore, it is good to continue taking these vitamins even after postpartum. At the same time, if you want to spend money on herbal supplements advertised these days, it is better to consult your doctor first. For mothers who are breastfeeding, the use of medicines has certain restrictions.


Extra Hair Care Tips

Modeling hair like ponytails or similar hairdos will intensify hair loss. It is especially so if you tie your hair tightly. Therefore, it is better to leave your hair open and free and avoid using all kinds of pins and headbands to tie and style it. 

In addition, exposing the hair to heat (hair dryer or hair iron) and using chemicals to style it may worsen your hair loss. You may have also heard about hair loss in early pregnancy or wonder if hair loss is a sign of pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, your body is shocked as things happen rapidly. It will take time for your hormones to stabilize. You will also need time to find ways to control your stress level. These two factors may lead to hair loss in early pregnancy. 

Hair loss is not a sign of pregnancy, as it usually occurs after pregnancy. 



In this article, we tried to answer two questions: when does postpartum hair loss start?

And when does postpartum hair loss stop? Thicker and shinier hair during pregnancy makes moms happy. But at the same rate, hair loss after childbirth makes many women puzzled.

There is nothing you can do to prevent hair loss after delivery, as this is a side-effect of an increased level of hormones in the body. At the same time, in this article, we have suggested different ways to slow down this process if you have severe hair loss.

Hair loss after postpartum is natural and will not be permanent hair loss. Most likely, your hair will return to its normal growth cycle, but it will take some time. It may happen a few months after giving birth and may even take a full year.

Of course, you should see a doctor if the hair loss is severe. Another female pattern of baldness makes some women experience hair falling out during pregnancy. 

Notice that health conditions such as thyroid hormone problems (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) or severe anemia can also lead to types of hair loss. They require proper treatments. Another factor can be iron deficiency which causes some women to experience hair loss. 

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