Lovely couple getting pregnant | Neeva Baby

After a husband and wife decide to have children, many women try their best to get pregnant in their next menstrual cycle. However, keep in mind that getting pregnant can be time-consuming. If you are anxious about how to get pregnant fast, there are several steps you can take to begin the process. 

Getting pregnant can be more difficult than it sounds. According to formal pregnancy rates, most healthy women under 35 have only a 20-25% chance of conceiving in any given month. And that chance decreases with age. Consulting a gynecologist can help you get pregnant as soon as possible.

In addition, your overall health plays and important role. The obstetrician will provide guidelines that greatly improve your chances of getting pregnant by examining all aspects and making sure there is no infertility problem. However, here are some tips on getting pregnant, but pregnancy tests have the last word!


Principles of Getting Pregnant

According to misconceptions, you can start pregnancy whenever you have sexual intercourse. But in reality, it's more complicated than that.

There are monthly changes in the body that can cause immature eggs to grow and get mature in the ovaries. Every woman's menstrual cycle is different. This process takes about two weeks from the beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle.

When the egg matures, it is detached from the ovary, which is called ovulation process. Then, the egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus.

According to scientists, the egg survives only about 24 hrs after being released. If the egg is successfully fertilized by a male gamete (sperm cell) during this time, the fertilized egg will continue to move toward the uterus. It then enters the lining of the uterus.

The key is to have sex in the days before and after ovulation. Thus, the sperm cells make it to the fallopian tubes when the eggs are released. This makes fertilization easier. Sperm can survive in a woman's genitals for up to 4 or 5 days and the basic rule is to predict ovulation time or the so-called fertile window. 


Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast 

Proper timing

One of the best ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly is proper timing. You must make sure that you have sexual intercourse at the right time during your menstrual cycle.

This tip is always on the top list of tips for getting pregnant. If your menstrual cycle is regular, it starts about 14 days before your ovulation period. This means that the fertile window is seven days before ovulation.

In case you have irregular periods, it is difficult to predict ovulation starting time and when the fertility window (the best time to get pregnant) will be. However, there are several methods that a gynecologist can suggest to determine the exact time of ovulation and the fertility window.

  • Ovulation prediction kit
  • Basal body temperature
  • Changes in the cervical mucus
  • Follicular monitoring


Body health

Another tip on how to get pregnant fast is to check your health. Before trying to conceive, you should try to be as healthy as you can. In fact, it is recommended that you make an appointment with a gynecologist before becoming pregnant.

At this meeting, you will talk about existing health problems and get tested for genetic diseases. You can also list your other health concerns.

Your doctor may recommend that you make lifestyle changes before you become pregnant. These recommendations include the following.

  • Achieve a healthy weight
  • Improve diet and exercise habits
  • Avoid alcohol and/or quit smoking
  • Reduce caffeine intake

If you drink a lot of coffee or soft drinks, now may be the best time to reduce them. It is recommended that caffeine intake be limited to about 200 mg per day. This is the equivalent of a cup of coffee.


Consumption of vitamins during pregnancy

You may have heard that taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy is a good idea, but doing so before you become pregnant can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Eating healthy foods increases the chances of conceiving, and vitamins during pregnancy eliminate all the deficiencies in the mother's diet.

It would be best if you started taking vitamins during pregnancy with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. This is to reduce the risk of some birth defects. Look for one that contains vitamin B6 (as it has been shown to increase fertility) and consume it with omega-3 fish oil, which helps absorb vitamins.


Avoid lubricating oils

Another tip for getting pregnant is to avoid lubricants. There are many ideas about sexual intercourse, fertility, and the ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Some suggest different positions (postures) or holding the hips for a while after sex. Others assert that if a woman reaches (or does not reach orgasm), the chances of becoming pregnant is higher.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific studies to substantiate such claims. However, the thing worth thinking about is the lubricant. Some products can reduce the motility and viability of sperm cells, which must be considered carefully when trying to conceive. So, to increase your chances of getting pregnant, you should avoid the following:

  • Astroglide lubricant gel
  • KY gel
  • Olive oil
  • Saliva

If you feel that there is urgent need for using a lubricant, use mineral oil or canola oil. Such substances do not interfere with the motility and viability of sperm cells.


Beware of infection

Even in the age of antibiotics, an infection can still be a significant inhibitor of pregnancy. The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is increasing, especially among older couples. Some diseases, such as chlamydia, can be asymptomatic.

Get tested if you or your partner have had unprotected sex in the past. Other, less severe infections, such as inflammation of the bladder or thrush, can also reduce the chances of pregnancy. If you have ever had these problems, you and your partner should be examined.


Other effective factors

  • Cleaning the environment: Exposure to environmental toxins from various sources has been shown to have a negative impact on male and female fertility. Bisphenol A in soft plastics and food packaging (such as plastic bottles, stuffing containers, and cellophane) is an endocrine disruptor that reduces both sperm quality and sexual function, as well as the quality of women's eggs. Reduce exposure to these substances in the three months before pregnancy.
  • Keep your mind calm: Fertility is an environmental need for the body, so if it is under stress, the body may decide it is not the right time to get pregnant. 
  • Keep your partner cool and yourself warm: Encourage your partner to keep his testicles cool. Warm car seats, saunas, bicycles and any heat source near the testicles can affect sperm quality. He should also wear loose underwear and keep his mobile phone out of his pants pocket. For women, keeping warm is recommended to increase blood flow. Keeping the lower chest and lower back warm increases the warmth of the uterus, which is the ideal environment for the fetus to form.


To Wrap Up!

Most healthy couples succeed after less than a year of actively trying to conceive. If you are less than 35 years old and have not experienced pregnancy after one year of trying, you should see a doctor to check your fertility. In couples with a history of multiple miscarriages, visiting a doctor is of utmost importance. It is also the case when the couple knows that they suffer from a genetic condition or have certain medical conditions that may affect their pregnancy.

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