Woman giving birth

Every pregnancy is unique to each woman, all the way from their symptoms, their pains and discomforts, and their labor journey. 

Giving birth to your child is going to be an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life, and it will definitely be different from any other woman’s birthing experience. Delivering your child will be the first ever baby milestone, and it will be extremely special. 

During your pregnancy, you will have to make very important decisions - some that are completely up to you, and some that you may need to consult with your doctor about. One of those decisions is the labor method that is best for you and your baby. 

There are many different ways that a pregnant woman can deliver her baby - having a water birth, giving birth in the comfort of your own home, having a C-section, and of course the classical vaginal delivery. 

If you do decide that a vaginal delivery is the best option for you, you’ll want it to be a positive experience, which means you should know what to expect!

Why Vaginal Birth?

Since you have so many options when it comes to giving birth, it's best to know the benefits that come along with a vaginal birth. 

A vaginal birth is a very natural process and usually does not require serious medical intervention. Epidurals are effective to moderate the pain and discomfort that women face while going into labor. 

Vaginal delivery is actually the safest method for the fetus and mother when the newborn is full-term at the gestational age of 37 to 42 weeks (NCBI). Other ways of delivering a baby, such as a cesarean section can be dangerous for both the baby and the mother. 

Advantages Of Vaginal Birth

Every woman’s birthing experience will be different, even when it comes to vaginal birth, but here are some common advantages of having a vaginal delivery:

  • Shorter hospital stays 
  • Natural process 
  • Less likely to have any medical complications after giving birth 
  • Shorter recovery period
  • Better condition after giving birth to take care of your baby 
  • Baby is less likely to need care after being born 

Disadvantages Of Vaginal Birth

  • Possibility of needing stitches if there is tearing 
  • May need assistance from forceps or vacuum to help deliver the baby
  • Can be a very long process 

Make A Birth Plan 

Woman giving birth

Having a birth plan leading up to your due date will help you pinpoint what you should decide. Have a journal where you can write down what is important to you and what you wish to get out of your delivery.

Discussing this with your partner and the rest of your family will help to outline your ideal birth and you can build your plan off of that vision. 

This would be the place where you can also plan who you want in the room while you’re giving birth. Some couples prefer a more private birthing experience and some want as many people in the room that the hospital allows -- Whatever makes momma happy!

Is It Right For You? 

It can become overwhelming having to make all these important decisions. But just know that you’re not alone. If you are still contemplating what method of birth is best for you, talk to your midwife or doctor about your health and your baby’s health. 

Talking to health professionals will help introduce you to different options, and also discuss what path is best for you!

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